With our reforestation facility, not only can we provide trees for the Punta Burica region, but also provide crucial resources and native trees for other reforestation projects across the country.
Since 1990, Punta Burica has lost around 90% of its original rainforest. The remaining 10% is the last of the wild habitat in the region and is at risk. Cattle farming and industrial agriculture is quickly taking over the area.
Entire ecosystems are in danger of collapse. Native animals are being pushed into smaller and smaller areas. Deforestation is claiming more than 50,000 hectares/year of rainforest (more than 1% /year).
This global phenomenon primarily is caused by large-scale slash and burn practices, unsustainable agriculture, in addition to daily community forest destruction. With few options to support their families, members of rural communities are often forced to destroy their local environment to survive. While this solves a short-term problem, long-term consequences arise when forests are cut down and not restored.
above: map of deforested areas in Panama due to palm oil and live stock pastures
This deforestation is happening simultaneously all over the world. Therefore we must simultaneously repair the damage that is being done.
We are building a 60 acre fully sustainable reforestation facility. From here we can cultivate and distribute native and edible trees to areas hit by deforestation. Our plan will include:
Three football field sized tree nurseries capable of cultivating 500,000 native trees a year. This facility will serve as a blueprint to be replicated in other heavily deforested areas around the world.
We will develop a rehabilitation plan for damaged habitats in deforested areas.We focus on 4 critical things to sustain a biodiverse ecosystem: Flora(plants) Fauna(animals) Fungi, and healthy soil.
We are working on establishing a forest conservancy plan with the community to advocate for sustainable development in the years to come.
A cultivation facility used to study medicinal benefits of local fungi species.We will also be using mycoremediation techniques to use beneficial fungus to repair damaged and polluted sterile soil.

Donate today to help us build our facilities in Panama. We are a 501c3 non-profit organization.